Excalibur is a freeware spelling and LaTeX grammar checker.
Our HTML validation checker "JChecker1.0" is also compatible
with Word Service:
You can find information about "JChecker1.0" at:
There are many applications compatible with Word Service,
such as "Jedit3.0", "NisusWriter", "WordPerfect", "Eudora", "BBEdit"
and "ClarisWorks".
Dictionary Service Protocol
Dictionary applications that are compatible with "Tomonokai
Protocol" can also be registered in the "Word Services" of the menu
As of June 1999, the following dictionary applications are
"ClickE2J" - by Mr.Huminori Mikami
"Jamming2.5" - by Mr.Asato Imai
Unfortunately, all of the above programs are for the Japanese language.
Adding Services
The following illustrates how to register JChecker, our HTML
validation checker to the Word Service Menu.
First, start JChecker. Then, go to the "Tools" menu and select
the "Get new Checker..." of the menu "Word Services".
(To add a dictionary application, select "Get new Dictionary...".)
Then a window will appear as shown above. Select "JChecker" from
the list of the "Running Processes". (Most applications in the list
may not be compatible with the Word Service. Do not select such
This dialog asks you whether the checker you choose can check only
the whole document or can also check any highlighted area of the
document. With some applications like SpellsWell, you can only check
a whole document. With other applications like Excalibur, you can
also check highlighted areas of your document.
As JChecker can not check any highlighted area of the document,
press the button "Only Whole Document". Now you can select "Check
HTML" from the "Word Service" submenu.
(This dialog will not appear when you add the dictionary service.)
Multi styled Text and Word Services
Some checker may not be compatible with the multi styled text. In
such cases, as the data returned from the checker does not contain
style information, multi-styled text will be changed into the single
styled text. "Spellswell" can deal with multi styled texts. But Excalibur
cannot do it. When you use such a checker as this with multi styled
text, select only spellings that have the same style ,and then
activate the checker.
Removing Services
If you want to remove a program from the menu "Word Services",
select the submenu "Remove Service...". Then a window will appear
as shown below.
Select the program you want delete, and push the "Remove" button.
7.2 Record Sounds
You can record sounds in your document of Jedit3.0. If you want to do this, select the "Record" of the menu "Tools" and choose a sound quality level between "Voice", "Normal" and "Music". On the "Voice" level, sounds wiil be compressed into 1/6. On the "Normal" level, they will be compressed into 1/3. The lower the quality level is, the longer sound you can record.
After your select one of these compression levels, a dialog box will appear as follows.
To increase the maximum recording time, increase the application memory of Jedit3.0 from the Finder.
7.3 Speech
Jedit3.0 supports speech in both English and Japanese.
To make voice settings, select the "Speech Settings..." of the menu "Tools" . Then a dialog will appear as follows :
(For details of these settings, see "Chapter 3 - 3.9 Speech.")
Speech Manager and related files must be installed to make this function work. The way to install these files can also be found at "Chapter 3 - 3.9 Speech."
To make your computer read out some text area of your document, first
highlight the area you want to hear ,then go to the "Speech" of the menu
"Tools" and select the "Start". Without your having highlighted area, the
your Macintosh will begin reading from the top of the document.
While your Macintosh read your document, you cannot edit it. You can only use the scroll-bar to view it.
7.4 Summarize
You need MacOS 8.5 or higher to use this function of Jedit3.0.
If you want to make a summary of your document, highlight the text area and choose the "Summarize" of the menu "Tools". The summary will appear in a new document window. If you do not highlight any text area, a summary of the whole doument will be made.
A summary will be made of 10 percent of the total paragraphs and will consist of not more than 10 paragraphs.
7.5 Format Lines
"Format Lines" is to do a kind of the hard word-wapping. By the use of this, Jedit3.0 will insert line breaks at a certain place of each line.
When you select the "Format Settings..." of the menu "Tools", the following dialog box will appear:
You can set the line width in units of column, and make choices of "Word-wrap", "Add Quote Prefixes" and "Remove CRs(existing line breaks). & Indents"
Before you use the"Format Lines" of the menu "Tools", highlight the text area you want to format. Otherwise, only the paragraph where the cursor is located will be formatted.
If "Auto Indent" mode is on, all lines will be indented with the indention of the first paragraph.
7.6 Remove CR & Indents
If you want to delete any line breaks and indentions from your document, highlight the text area you like, then select the"Remove CRs & Indents"of the menu "Tools". If you do not have highlighted any text area, all line breaks and indentions of your document will be deleted
This function is useful for removing line breaks from the formatted text which is made by the use of the hard word-wrap (see 7.5 Format Lines).
If you want to format lines and remove line breaks at the same time, check the box "Remove CR" of the "Format Settings..." dialog and select the menu "Format Lines".
7.7 Quote Prefix
In order to show that some lines of your document are a quotation from other documet (e.g E-mail ), you can add a certain character to the top of these lines by the use of the "Add Quote Prefix" of the menu "Tools".
This character is called "Quote Prefix"
If you want to add this "Quote Prefixes" to a certain lines of your document, highlight these lines and select the "Add Quote Prefix" of the menu "Tools". If you use this menu without having highlighted any lines, "Quote Prefixes" will be added to the lines of the paragraph where the cursor is located.
The character of "Quote Prefix" is ">" by default. You can change this by typing any string you like into the "Quote Prefix" field in the "General" panel of the "Preferences" dialog.
If you select the "Add Prefix & Format" of the menu "Tools", you can add the "Quote Prefixes" and do "Format Lines" at the same time.
You can use any text string as a temporary "Quote Prefix" by the use of the "Temporary Quote Prefix" of the menu "Tools". To do this, first highlight the string you like and then select the "Temporary Quote Prefix" of the menu "Tools". This temporary prefix will be used as "Quote Prefix" at only next time when you select the menu "Add Quote Prefix".
An Example of the Temporary Prefix
For example, if you want to use a sender's name of E-mail you
receive as a temporary "Quote Prefix" and add this to the quoted
message like this:
I have downloaded the software successfully. I think this
may be very useful for me. By the way, do you know how
to register this software?
First, highlight a name string "Tom" that appears somewhere in the
Next, choose the "Temporary Quote Prefix" of the menu "Tools".
And highlight this text.
And choose the "Add Prefix & Format" of the menu "Tools".
Then the text will be formatted and the temporary prefix "Tom>"
will be added thus:
Tom> I have downloaded the software successfully.
Tom> I think this may be very useful for me. By the
Tom> way, do you know how to register this software?
If you want to remove "Quote Prefixes", highlight the text area you like and select the "Remove Quote Prefix" of the menu "Tools".
7.8 Conversion Menus
If you want to use convertion menus like the "Tab to Space" of the menu "Tools", first highlight the text area you like and select one of conversion menus. If you use these without having highlighted any text area, the target of conversion will be the whole document. Each of Conversion menus are these:
Tab to Space
Converts tabs into 1-byte spaces.
Space to Tab
Converts 1-byte spaces and 2-byte kanji spaces into tabs.
2-Byte Space to 1-Byte
Converts 2-byte kanji spaces to 1-byte spaces. This menu is
meaningless in the none-Japanese documents.
Remove Tailing Space
Removes the unnecessary 1-byte spaces, tabs and 2-bytes kanji
spaces that are at the end of the paragraph.
Hankaku to Zenkaku... / Zenkaku to Hankaku...
In the Japanese text, there are two types of characters. One is the 1-
byte character called "Hankaku" and another is the 2-bytes
character called "Zenkaku".
Some letters have both types as follows.
Menu "Hankaku to Zenkaku" and "Zenkaku to Hankaku" converts
these characters of both towards each other.
When you choose one of these from the menu "Tools", a dialog box
will appear as shown below. Check the boxes that you like and then
push "Convert" button.
If you choose one of these menu with the shift key down,
conversion will be executed without appearance of the type of
Each of the cnvFlags in the bottom of these dialogs is used as a
parameter in the Apple-Script commands "toZenkaku" and
"toHankaku." of Jedit3.0. If you use these commands in your
AppleScript program, copy these cnvFlags and paste them into your
Apple-Script program in the"ScriptEditor". (For detail, see "Script
Mannual" )
Kanji to Hiragana
Converts Kanji string to Hiragana string. You need to install the Japanese
version of MacOS 8.5 or higher. An example is as follows.
To Unicode(Hex)
Converts the characters of the highlighted area into the Unicode
hexadecimal expressions. Some environments, such as Java, use this
Unicode expression.
From Unicode(Hex)
Reverts the highlighted Unicode hexadecimal expressions into the normal